

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why Choose RED?

Red offers camera equipmet designed to adapt to a variety of shooting requirements and format configurations. It can be stripped down to a lightweight "ENG" style camera with minimal attachements or built up to be a full feature camera using an extensive set of RED and third party accessories.


Why Choose CliffHouse Media?

Cliffhouse specializes in red technology and workflow. We are experts at using digital technologies in dynamic fast moving production environments. Digital imaging has become the standard for many projects requiring new skills and techniques. CliffHouse makes sure your vision carries through all aspects of production. We assist you from beginning to end until you are satisfied with the results. We are RELIABLE, EFFICIENT, and EXPERIENCED.


What formats can I shoot on RED?

2K 3K 4K
2:1 2048x1024 2:1 3072x1536 2:1 4096x2048
16:9 2048x1152 16:9 3072x1728 16:9 4096x2304
Anamorphic 1382x1152 Anamorphic 2074x1728 4KHD 3840x2160
Anamorphic 2764x2304
4.5K 4480x1920


Do I Shoot 2K or 4K?

This questions depends on the project and your final output source. However, shooting at 4K will give you many options in post because of the amount of information Red One captures. From color correcting to zooming into shots, shooting at 4K gives you a lot of flexibility.


Can I Create Custom Looks?

Yes! Looks can be created in the camera and be carried through the editing process. What you see will be what you get. We use special Red softwares to make sure your look is consistant from beginning to end.


Can RED Cut With Film?


How do I Edit RED/RAW Files?

Red/Raw files can be edited with professional editing softwares: Final Cut Pro and Avid. Workflow will vary depending on the software, project and preference.


How Does RED Compare With HD Video?

Red One cameras have the ability to capture 4k, which is 4 times the information compared to HD video. Red has a wide dynamic range and color space in 12 bit native RAW. Its sensor, Mysterium ?? boasts greater than 66db dynamic range because of its large 29 sq. micron pixels, which delivers a resolution of 12,065,000: Ultra High Definition. See the below chart for size comparison.

Red One Camera 4K Resolution Chart Comparison

Can RED shoot at different frame rates?

RED offers the Mysterium ??Super 35mm cine sized (24.4?13.7mm) sensor, which provides 4K (up to 30 fps), 3K (up to 60 fps) and 2K (up to 120 fps) capture. The RED camera can be over-cranked up to 120fps at 2K and has the ability to do motion control with user trigered frame rates.


Who Is Using RED Cameras?

More and more producers, directors and cinematographers in film and television are choosing Red One cameras for its flexibility and cost.


Have any feature films been shot on RED?

Yes, Titles include: Green Zone, The Lovely Bones, District 9, The Informant, Night at the Museum-Battle of the Smithsonian, Jumper, Gamer, My Bloody Valentine, Angels & Demons, The Book of Eli and many more!


Why is RED better than film?

RED gives you 35mm quality without all the costs associated with shooting film. Shooting with RED also saves you time because you don?�t have to wait for dailies or film reel changes. You can instantly play back scenes and you can record up to 3 hours of full 4K onto a RED drive.


Why choose RED?

Get a film 35mm look without a film budget. RED ONE has 4 times the resolution of HD.


What does RAW mean?

The RAW format captures mysterium sensor data at resolutions of up to 4K. Shooting at 4K RAW gives you a lot of flexibility and control of your image in post. Changes are done with meta data leaving your "master" file data unchanged.